
Monday, September 20, 2010

Grilled Portobello Mushrooms

Along with the lamb chops from the previous post, I grilled some portobello mushrooms.

To prepare the mushrooms, I brushed them on the top with olive oil, brushed the gills with lemon olive oil, and sprinkled with a bit of salt. They willingly shared the grill with the lamb chops. By the way, those aren't huge portobellos in the photo, those are really small lamb chops.

I grilled the portobello mushrooms until they were just about cooked through. The great thing is that you can eat them anywhere from raw to fully cooked, so it's entirely up to you. The portobello is meaty enough to work as a vegetarian entree or as a side dish for meat eaters, and grilling adds a nice smoky flavor.

To finish the meal, we had fresh cucumbers and tomatoes served on my new salt slab.

That's a mighty mushroom!