
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hot Gringa's Chicken

Hot Gringas' Sweet Chili Sauce is both sweet and spicy - a combination that I really like. When I found a jar in my box of goodies from Fooducopia, I knew it had a lot of possibilities. In this recipe, I used it twice, and I probably could have come up with even more ways to incorporate it into recipes.

This recipe is incredibly simple, but that's the point of using something like this chili sauce - enjoy the flavor as it is. This doesn't need more salt, pepper, or spices. If I was using it in a stew, I might add more ingredients. But this is a simple recipe that you can whip up for a weeknight dinner without thinking too hard about it.

Sweet Gringas' Chicken

For the chicken:
1 cup Sweet Gringas' Sweet Chili Sauce
4 chicken breasts
Cooked rice, for serving
Chives, for garnish
For the sauce:
Equal parts of:
Sweet Gringas' Sweet Chili Sauce
Sour cream

The day before you will be cooking the chicken, place the breasts in a plastic bag and add the chili sauce. Massage it a bit to cover the chicken, then refrigerate until you're ready to cook. (Hint: if your chicken breasts are frozen, you can put them in the bag, add the sauce, and let them thaw in the refrigerator.)

Bring the chicken breasts out of the refrigerator 30 minutes before cooking.

Remove the chicken from the bag and shake off the marinade - since it's sweet, it can burn a bit.

Heat a barbecue grill or grill pan (or, you can broil or bake the chicken if you prefer.) Sear the chicken on both sides on high heat to get a good crust or grill marks, then lower the heat and continue cooking until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 155-160 degrees.

Let the chicken rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing.

Slice the chicken breasts on a diagonal for serving. Place the slices on top of the rice.

Mix the Hot Gringas' Sweet Chili Sauce with the sour cream - approximately equal parts is fine - you can make as much as you like, and it's great for other purposes, so it's fine to make more than you need.

Drizzle the sauce over the chicken, then garnish with the chopped chives.

Serve warm. Pass extra sauce at the table, if desired.

For more information about Fooducopia, and my relationship with that company, see the tab at the top.