Sometimes you just want an easy dinner, and this certainly fills the bill. There's almost no prep work - I bought sliced mushrooms because they looked good and they were the same price per pound as the whole mushrooms.
If you buy whole mushrooms, you can leave them whole, slice them, quarter them, or whack them into random pieces. It really doesn't matter.
As far as the chicken, I used chicken thighs, because that's my favorite for stewing or braising.
The bad thing about stewing any kind of chicken is that the skin tends to be ... well, not crisp. Actually, it's sort of flabby. I like cooking the chicken with the skin on for flavor, and in fact I brown it first. But don't necessarily eat it.
If you prefer, you can remove the skins before cooking. Or buy skinless, boneless thighs. Whatever makes you happy. The idea here is that this is a super-simple meal, so do what's easiest for you.
This recipe uses Holland House cooking wine. I posted one sponsored post for them and have another one coming little later, but meanwhile I'm working with the products for fun, and in fact I've purchased more of it because I'm finding that it's really handy to have around.
You could substitute your own favorite wine. If you're not using a cooking wine, add salt to taste, since cooking wine includes salt.
Chicken with Wine and Rosemary
2 tablespoons butter
5 chicken thighs (more or less, as preferred)
1 pound mushrooms, sliced
1 cup Holland House white cooking wine
1 sprig rosemary
Rice, for serving
Melt the butter in the bottom of a heavy bottomed pot - like a Dutch oven. Brown the chicken pieces on all sides, then add the mushrooms.
Cook for a few minutes more, stirring to get the mushrooms in contact with the bottom of the pot for a few seconds of browning.
Add the white wine and rosemary and cover the pot. Cook for 20 minutes, then uncover, stir, and cook until the chicken thighs are cooked through and the liquid has reduced a bit - another 10 minutes or so.
Discard the rosemary sprig.
To take advantage of the flavorful liquid, serve with rice. Or potatoes. Those would be nice, too.
This is NOT a sponsored post. I received products from the company for other posts, but since then I have purchased more of their products for my use.