This may be one of the best loaves that has come out of my bread machine in a long time.
To be fair, I usually use the bread machine when I need an emergency loaf of sandwich bread or I need toast in the morning. Or I use it when I need bread for stuffing or bread crumbs.
The bread machine comes in handy, for sure. But I don't really spend a whole lot of time creating recipes for it. I save the fancy stuff for the oven.
This time, though, I had an idea that seemed perfect for the bread machine, and I figured I'd run with it.
The resulting loaf has a crisp crust and a soft, fluffy interior with a fine crumb. Heh. Check out the crumb, close-up:
And it rose very very nicely. Not only is it great for sandwiches and perfect for French toast, but it's great all on its own or with just a little dab of butter.
Bread Machine Buttermilk and Semolina Loaf
1 teaspoon Red Star Active Dry Yeast (or instant)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 large egg (plus)
Buttermilk to equal 1 1/4 cups when added to the egg
2 cups (9 ounces) bread flour
1/2 cup (3 ounces) semolina flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
Put the yeast and sugar in your bread machine.
Crack the egg ito a measuring cup and add enough buttermilk to equal 1 1/4 cups. Add the rest of the ingredients.
Set the bread machine for a basic loaf - whatever that is in your machine.
Beep-beep, boop-boop. Press buttons as needed.
When the bread is done, remove it from the machine and let it cool completely on a rack before slicing.