You know the song.
Now, sing along, with Santa's favorite reindog!
Are we in tune?
Okay, let's GO!
On the first day of Christmas, my sous chef gave to me ...
a new fridge and a pear brie
On the second day of Christmas, my sous chef gave to me ...
two oven gloves,
and a new fridge and a pear brie
On the third day of Christmas, my sous chef gave to me ...
three French breads,
two oven gloves,
and a new fridge and a pear brie
Aw, don't make me type out the rest. Let's skip to the end!
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my sous chef gave to me ...
Twelve tasters yumming
Eleven icers piping
Ten timers beeping
Nine onions mincing
Eight meads for drinking
Seven wines a-mulling
Six pizzas baking
Five bold hot wings
Four lemon curds
Three French breads
Two oven gloves
and a new fridge and a pear brie!
And that means there's enough fridges to store all the leftovers!