Friday, December 22, 2017

It's the Chex Mixiest Time of the Year

I get free samples from General Foods Cereals on a regular basis. Sometimes I use them in recipes.

Growing up, we weren't much of a breakfast family, particularly after I got old enough for school. My dad got up at the crack of dawn, had coffee, and headed to work before anyone else was up.

I got up, didn't have coffee, and headed off to school. Mom was still asleep, but it's a fair bet that she didn't make pancakes for herself.

Because of the general lack of breakfast foods in those formative years, I never developed a fondness for some of the most typical breakfast foods. My cereal preferences are pretty much limited to Cheerios and Chex. And while I don't mind French toast for lunch, the chance of me making it for breakfast is ... slim to none.

On the other hand, I like cereal as a snack. Not with milk, but just as a crunchy treat. When that cereal turns into Chex Mix, I'm a happy camper. I've created my own versions a few times, and I've used other people's recipes as well.

This time, though, I've got something different. I got a Chex Mix kit directly from General Mills, and they included their recipe.

While I haven't made this yet, I've got all the ingredients squirreled away. I'll probably make this right after the New Year, when I've *ahem* disposed of all the candies and cookies that are currently hanging around here.

I received these products at no cost; I was not required to post. Okay, you want the truth? I'm posting this here because it's a good bet I'll lose the recipe card. It's safe here.
