And then, a comment by dhorst on SE about her grape-infused starter named Blossom made me think about the wine flour I got from Marche Noir Foods. This is a flour-like product that's made from the leftovers after grapes have been pressed to make wine. It's a dark purple and smells sort of like raisins.
I've had this wine flour sitting here, waiting for inspiration to strike. I was thinking I might save it for cookies or some baked good for Christmas, but I just hadn't settled on a particular recipe... and then I saw dhorst's post and I knew I had to give it a try.
Now, I've got a new starter using the usual all purpose flour and water, but with the addition of one teaspoon of the wine flour. I have no idea if this will work or not. It's a pretty color, though.
And meanwhile, I'm still pondering other recipes where I can incorporate the wine flour. We'll see how it goes.