Sunday, August 8, 2010

Road Trip: Going Home

Ah...the last day in Chicago.

The back of the car was jammed full of packages, bags, and boxes, and we had two coolers full of frozen food. We stopped for dry ice and set the GPS for Omaha, since that seemed like a decent halfway point.

We actually stayed in Council Bluffs, Iowa, over night, but that's close enough. We had dinner at one of the restaurants in the hotel complex (oh, and did I mention that it had a convenient...)

I ordered a small pizza, and wondered what it would be.

Not terrible, actually, but as I told Hubster, I had low expectations to begin with.

The components where decent, the crust was a little odd, and it didn't seem to have any tomato sauce at all. Overall, it was fine. Not great, but not terrible.

The next morning, we topped off the dry ice in the coolers and made our way back home. For dinner, I thought I'd cook something that we brought home, but Hubster suggested a stop at Marcos Hot Dogs for some Sonoran dogs to take home, and that's what we did.

And the next day, I arranged some of my souveniers for a little photo shoot. Some people pick up decorative spoons; I go to grocery stores and bring home food.

Besides all this, there were the two coolers full of frozen food, two six-packs of beer from Kansas City, and a bottle of Polish cherry booze of some sort. Some of these things were on the list of "what to buy" and some where happy finds that were unexpected.

Ah, but it's good to be back home. And now I can start cooking again.
