I had one cut open before I put anything else away.
Since I'd only seen photos of them, I didn't realize how small they were. Not the size of a standard lime. Or a finger. The ones I got were about 1 to 1 1/2 inches long.
The really cool thing, besides the fact that there are teeny balls of limey goodness inside the fruit, is that the insides were different colors. The first one I cut open was a pale peachy color, another was a pretty pink, and a third was a darker pink, and some are a pale green - almost like a common lime.
The little balls are fairly sturdy, so they have a bit of snap to the them. The flavor is definitely lime, but maybe not as tart, and there's a whiffy of an herby-piney scent on the skin.
I could snack on these like candy.
I decided to toss some into guacamole and then I used another lime's worth for a garnish.
Guacamole with Finger Lime
1 avocado
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon lime juice
2 tablespoons diced onion
Innards of 3 finger limes
Combine the avocado flesh, salt, lime juice, onion, and two of the finger lime flesh in a small bowl. Stir well, mashing the avocado to your desired texture.
Put the guacamole in a serving bowl and garnish with the flesh from the third finger lime.
I received the organic finger limes (and other items) From Frieda's Specialty Produce. I was not required to write a post.