Friday, August 26, 2011

Whole Foods Friday: Sangria

Whole Foods Friday is what I'm calling my new partnership with the local Whole Foods stores in Boulder County. Whole Foods lets me shop for what I need for any recipe I want to make, and I post the results here. Whole Foods also posts my recipes on their Boulder blog. It's a fun project.

The previous post got a little long, so I figured it would make sense to make this a new post.

The perfect drink to go along with the Grilly Rellenos is a sangria. The great thing about sangria is that you don't need an expensive wine to make it, so I decided to use the same Three Wishes Cabernet that I used for the raspberry sauce that went with my Stone Fruit Crostata.

An optional addition is the peach liqueur that I used for the drink that accompanied that recipe. You could also use any other fruit-based liqueur that you like, or even a bit of brandy, if you like something a little stronger.


Three Wishes Cabernet Sauvignon
1 orange
1 lemon
Peach liqueur

Cut half of the orange into pieces and put it in a quart jar (or a pitcher, if you prefer). Reserve the other half of the orange for a garnish.

Cut the lemon into pieces and add that to the container. Fill the container with the wine. Refrigerate for at least a few hours, or several days.

Serve over ice, discarding the used fruit and adding fresh orange slices as a garnish. Add the liqueur, if desired - just a splash.

If you have other fresh fruit, you can add it as well.
