The different liquors are blended with flavors and spices, and the company said that they're specially blended to hold up when cooked. So, okay then.
And, if you want to mix a cocktail with them, that's fine, too.
Me, I wanted to set something on fire. I mean, why not?
I haven't tried all the products yet, but I'm working my way through them. Besides the bourbon that I used for this recipe, they also have brandy, rum, and hops. So far, so good.
Have you tried these? What do you think? I have ideas for the brandy and rum, but I'm a little stumped on the hops. What would you do with that one?
Mushrooms with Rave Review! Bourbon
1 tablespoon butter
1 pound button mushrooms, sliced
Salt and pepper, to taste
Splash of Rave Review! bourbon
Sour cream or creme fraiche, to taste
Yeah, this recipe is a little sketchy in terms of amounts, but it's all about your taste. So, have fun with it.
Melt the butter in a skillet large enough to hold all of those mushrooms. Add the mushooms along with a pinch of salt and a few grinds of pepper.
Cook, stirring or tossing (I've been flipping and tossing everything lately, but stirring is fine) until the mushroom lose their liquid and then most of it evaporates and you see that some of the mushrooms are browning a bit.
Take the pan off of the heat and add a splash of the bourbon. Just a splash. Not a big glug. If you insist on measurements, then a tablespoon or two will be fine.
Return the pan to the heat and tilt it a bit and the vapors should catch fire.
WHeee! Fire!!! Whooo Hoo! We have FLAMBEEd!
Let the flames burn themselves out. It won't take long.
Now, wasn't that fun?
Add a dollop of the sour cream or creme fraiche and stir it in. You can add as much as you like. You can opt to barely coat the mushrooms, or let them swim in some sauciness. Stir/toss to combine and serve warm.
Disclaimer: I was sent products at no cost. A post was not required.